I attached a photo to show that I really did do the tasks in my narrative with my Little Giant Ladder. My story is real simple and too the point. I had, operative word here is "had", a traditional wooden 8-foot ladder. I needed to cut a series of palm sabal branches from some very tall trees. My traditional ladder was so unstable that I couldn't accomplish my branch cutting without risking my life, and I'm not kidding. I then switched to my little giant ladder. I went three times higher on the trees and the ladder remained rock-solid stable. My wooden 8-foot ladder is now in a landfill. I also now own three Little Giant ladders, Type 1-A Model 22, the Safety Step Ladder - 3-Step and the Type 1A Select Step.
[Bob Brown]--美國粉絲
這裏附上一張相片以茲證明我真的用小巨人梯子來工作. 我的故事很簡單而且直接. 我曾經有一把傳統的8尺木頭梯. 我需要爬到很高的樹上修剪數枝. 我那把傳統的木頭梯不但是不穩固, 而且,不是在說笑, 爬上去修剪時, 簡直有一點冒著生命危險. 後來我改用小巨人梯. 我爬上去三次到樹上修剪, 到現在都覺得很穩. 目前那把木頭梯已經到垃圾掩埋場去了. 我現在擁有三把小巨人梯. 1A的M22萬用梯, 3階的安全步梯和一把1A的工程步梯.